Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Travis Air Force Base Honor Guard

Hi, I'm Glen and I have been a member of the United States Air Force for nearly 30 years. For the past 10 years I have been a member of the Travis Air force Base Honor Guard. We have won Best Base Honor Guard in AMC twice. Once in 2005 and again in 2009.  It has been a priveledge for me to have honored thousands of my brothers and sisters whom have fallen both on active duty and as retiree's. I have tried to live by the Air force Honor Guard Creed for which I know by heart. I also made a short 30 second video you may like to watch.  (Travis Honor Guard video)

Base Honor Guard Creed

    Handpicked to serve as a member of the Travis Air Force Base Honor Guard. My standard of conduct and level of professionalism must be above reproach for I represent all others in my service.

     Others earned the right for me to wear the ceremonial uniform, one that is honored in a rich tradition and history. I will honor there memory by wearing it properly and proudly.

     Never will I allow my performance to be dictated by the  type of ceremony, severity of the temperature or size of the crowd. I will remain superbly condtitioned to perfect all movements throughout every drill and ceremony.

     Obligated by my oath I am constantly driven to excel by a deep devotion to duty and a strong since of dedication.

     Representing every member past and present of the United States Air Force I vow to stand sharp, crisp and motionles for I am a Ceremonial Guardsman.